Our values

Our values for life 

At HappyHaves we believe in a holistic balance with a quality of life where you can live your life with your arms wide open.

We hope to make life easy for people because they don't need to spend hours reading the labels of products. We want to as much people as possible happy in the world.

For us, there are two main reasons. The first and most important reason is that we believe in the good intention of human kind. We hope that our products make people happy and feel more fulfilled. Just like our customers HappyHaves consists of people who are down to earth.

We check the credentials of every product we stock and have a focus on selling products that are environmentally friendly and made by businesses that have mostly the same values as we have. 

The other reason is that we believe in a company that works with all different cultures. We have people working for HappyHaves that currently work from Australia to the US and from The Netherlands to Asia. We have one thing in common and that is that we love to travel this beautiful world. 


We love to make new experiences and living this way our team gets to know the most holistic products like the diffusers from all around the world. At HappyHaves we collect the best items to share it to te rest of the world. Just to make people happy. :)